We will do our best to care for your pets’ well-being while in our care. We keep detailed daily records of eating, eliminating activities, administration of medications (if applicable) outside play times and general disposition. If dogs need an extra potty break, a water bowl inside their run as well as in the outside run, or bottled water we are happy to serve their needs. You will need to provide the expensive fizzy water however.
All pets are housed in separate areas. Inside enclosure areas are climate controlled and well ventilated. We even have a power generator for the occasional island power outage to keep the electricity and heat going.
Dogs enjoy individual inside enclosures with individual outside covered runs and are separated from other dogs while in their enclosure. Dog-operated doors allow them to come and go as they please during the day. At night, dogs are tucked-in and secured inside at 9 pm. We offer Karunda cot-style beds and blankets for added comfort. We organize small dogs in one end of the kennel and large dogs in the other.
The inside is a 5’ x 5’ area for bedding and toys with a dog operated door to an individual outside 5’ x 20’ covered run. Plenty of space to move about or catch some rays of sunshine. From the outside, they can watch and smell the adjoining pastures where sheep and horses roam. Each run is tidied and hosed down each day with fresh water provided throughout the day. Solid waste is scooped throughout the day as well. Optional play times – trail walks or romps in a fenced yard – begin in the morning and again in the afternoons.
We feed twice daily beginning at 7 am and 3 pm and offer a premium brand lamb and rice kibble which is included at no additional cost. If you choose, you may bring your own kibble food from home. There is an additional fee for feeding canned food whether you supply it or we do.
We have two individual cat rooms filled with natural light which are separated in a different part of the facility away from the activity of the dog areas. Penthouse cats also enjoy bird feeders outside their room windows. Each cat suite is offers private comfy quarters equipped with resting spots, hiding places and a soft place to sleep. That is, cat god/goddess treatment as they expect.
Each cat enclosure is cleaned is daily with fresh bedding and water provided throughout the day. Litter boxes are cleaned throughout the day as well. Optional play times – brushing, cuddling, stretch time and toy play – begin in the morning and again in the afternoons.
We feed twice daily beginning at 7 am and 3 pm and offer a premium brand chicken kibble which is included at no additional cost. If you choose, you may bring your own kibble food from home. There is an additional fee for feeding canned food whether you supply it or we do.
Other Pets
Birds and other exotic pets have their own special room with extra heat and ventilation. All are housed according to their individual needs. We ask that you please provide your own food.
We are more than happy to take care of your rabbit, guinea pig, duck, and more! If you have a questions about your pet, please feel free to contact us!
Rates are listed per day per pet. Each day begins at 9:00 am.
Playtime of 10-15 minute play, walk, brush or hug time is $10. We can do up to 4 per day.
If you pick up before 9:00 am there will not be a charge for that day. After 9:00 am an additional daily boarding fee applies.
After hours check-in or check-out service available for $50.
Daily rate is based on a two day stay, i.e. pet arrives on day one and is picked up after 9:00 am on day two.
Daycare rates based on checked in and checked out on the same day and not staying overnight.

Single dog - $40.00 per day
Two or more dogs per run - $35.00 each per day
$70.00 includes one play time
Two in same run - $135.00

Single Suite - $25.00
Single Deluxe Suite - $30.00
Penthouse Suite - $50.00
Two/Suite - $20.00 ea.
Two/Deluxe Suite - $25.00 ea.
Two/Penthouse Suite - $35.00 ea.

Large - $40.00
Medium - $25.00
Small - $18.00
Please note that bird boarding requires testing for Psittacosis, Polyoma, Psittacine Beak and Feather Virus prior to boarding. Conures also require Pachecoes testing.
Animal Inn and Wellness Center provides for pets with a variety of needs. We do our best to care for your pets’ well-being. If your pet needs a place to enjoy social activity or quiet time, we can make it happen.
Dog Cage/Run Units include an inside 5 x 5 foot area for bedding and toys with a dog door to an individual outside 20 ft run for each dog. From outside dogs can watch/smell the adjoining pastures with sheep and horses.
Our Special Care Room is a quiet room with a window to the hallway so we can observe the senior, timid or recovering pets closely.
The Pampered Pet Suite is a 10 x 8 foot room with rugs, beds, a big fluffy chair and a TV. Dogs and cats have enjoyed the Pampered Pet Suite.
The Kitty Penthouse is a large 10 x 5 foot room where kitties can lounge on comfy chairs and cat perches while watching the bird feeders from two windows.
Cat Deluxe Suites are multi-level two compartment units allowing for feeding, lounging,private potty and perching areas.
Our Cat Suite Units are single level with two compartments allowing for feeding, lounging and private potty areas.
Animal Inn & Wellness Center
25 Boyce Rd, Friday Harbor, WA
Monday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - noon / 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. / 4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
After Hours Emergency: 360-378-4738